Autism Testimonial
Andrew and Christina S. -
“We first met Dr. Cheryl in the spring of 2006, a few months after our son, Cyrus, had been diagnosed with autism at age two and a half. At that time, he had difficulty sitting up straight, could not jump, could not speak, could not use utensils and was incapable of drawing anything but scribbles. He avoided eye contact with everyone, including us (his parents), engaged in stereotypical behaviors, such as hand flapping, and reacted with tantrums at the approach of any child. At first, we were skeptical of some of the treatments she suggested, but we quickly changed our perspective.
By the end of the summer, Cyrus could run, jump, recite his ABCs, and would willingly accept hugs from his family. Now four, he can spell several words, write his name, uses verbal language to communicate, recognizes and generalizes numerous objects, such as animals, engages in pretend play, rarely has noticeable “stims,” makes good eye contact, and is nearly potty-trained.
We have no doubt that Dr. Cheryl’s intervention has been the key to his success. She cares about your well-being as well as your child's. She is genuine, knowledgeable, and forthright with her recommendations. She has also helped Cyrus with many “typical” ailments, such as earaches and fever/cold, recommending holistic medicines that seem to work much better than the “over-the-counter” drugs suggested by our regular pediatrician. We completely trust Dr. Cheryl with the health of our son.”
Melanie T . -
“Dr. Cheryl gave us back our family. We walked into her office almost two years ago broken by the rigors of navigating our son’s recent diagnosis of Asperger’s Disorder. We had spent several unsuccessful months trying to find treatments that would help our then three year old. It had worn on everyone one of us, including Joey. Thankfully, we found Dr. Cheryl.
We immediately began acupressure treatments, nutritional supplements, allergy elimination treatments, and osteopathic treatments. The results were astounding. Prior to his treatments, Joey had poor eye contact and expressive language, anxiety issues, multiple sensory issues that got in his way of enjoying many normal things, stimming, tactile defensiveness, and a constant upset stomach. These struggles impacted our lives in so many ways. As a baby, people would coo at him in the grocery store. He, of course, would stare back blankly. To avoid the pain of trying to explain his behavior to a stranger, I always told the well-meaning person that he had just woken up from a nap. As he grew older, I couldn’t even trim his finger nails without screaming fits. When visitors came to the house, Joey would hide under our dining room table. Our life was driven by how to minimize his exposure to things that triggered a melt-down. It had consumed every aspect of our family. But, that all changed when we walked into her office.
There were so many beautiful and powerful milestones following her treatments. I can distinctly remember the first time Joey laughed at a show he was watching. We were in awe. This was a child who didn’t see the humor ever before in things. Several months later, he took off his shirt on a bright sunny spring day and rolled down a hill, giggling. We didn’t recognize this child! His little brother tumbled down the hill with him, seeming to enjoy this new accomplishment as much as we did! Most recently, Joey attended a summer day camp with typically developing kids and was the first in his group to leap from a creek embankment into the water. My response to the camp counselor after they told me that story was, “Are you sure we are talking about my kid?” This was a child that couldn’t handle swimming lessons the summer before because the coldness of the water and the echoing sound across its surface was over stimulating. Fortunately, they had a cell phone video of Joey’s jump to convince me; otherwise I think I still wouldn’t have believed them to this day.
Even Joey’s physical appearance made amazing changes. His hair became shiny and soft, the dark circles and transparent skin gave way to the healthy glow of a five year old, and his bloated stomach began to disappear. He no longer constantly complains of his stomach hurting. In fact, he welcomed the restrictions of his casein free diet, because “it makes me feel better”. Even nearly two years later, I am still amazed that my child goes to birthday parties and politely declines cake because he knows it would make him sick. We are thankful each day that Dr. Cheryl has empowered our young son to manage his own health.
Dr. Cheryl was even able to utilize cranial osteopathy to help correct his flat head. No one could have ever prepared us to the drastic change it made in his appearance and well-being. His teachers at school wanted to know what was different, because the effects were that significant. Only pictures can do the whole thing justice; it is simply amazing.
Words cannot express how much Dr. Cheryl has given us. She has given us back the ability to be a family again. She has given our son a health and happiness he has never been able to enjoy before. She has been the gentle spirit that has guided us through what was the most difficult time and brought us hope. Our lives have forever been changed by her work.”
Michelle O. -
"Dr. Cheryl has the bio-med knowledge base of the best DAN! doctors, but the feel of an old time family physician. She listens to and respects parents. She meets your children where they are, and guides them gently toward their most well selves."
Congenital In-toeing
Tiffany F. -
"Thank you Dr. Hammes. My son Elias just got back from the orthopedic Doctor who said not only did he not need casts, we could also ween him off the reverse last shoes he has been wearing for several months. Without your treatment he would be wearing casts to correct the metatarsis adductis. It was your suggestion to try the shoes and to manipulate his feet twice a month for several months that allowed him to avoid casts. Thank you for all the wonderful advice and for treating us like family."
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Sandy L. -
“I was born with gastrointestinal issues, constantly crying (probably termed colic). I had a developing ulcer by age 16. I went through several endoscope’s and colonoscopys since early teens through 40 years old. I was put on the highest dose of Nexium humanly possible (4 per day) and many other medications over the years. My endoscopy results continued to worsen, inflamed stomach, G.E.R.D, to erosive gastritis. This can be one step away from Barrett’s esophagus, which is one stage away from esophageal cancer. I felt that I was doomed and wondered when I would get the esophageal cancer in my life. Not to mention the quality of my life was so poor. I had stomach bloating and discomfort, irritable bowel problems 4 times per week average. I was also on Xanax occasionally for depression and calming of the stomach to be able to stand it because it got so bad. The catalyst was my first daughter, Jessica, was born the same way in 1995. She was colicky too, cried all night and put on medication since infancy. She had a scope at age 6 weeks and blood in her stool by age 5. She was diagnosed with milk and wheat allergies and put on medications. None worked and by age 7 she had an endoscopes and colon scope showing acute gastritis, irritable bowel, etc. She was put on medications like me and the next step was a prescription for an antidepressant. That’s where I drew the line and started my own research. First I prayed fervently and had been praying with several others. I feel God lead me to the N.A.E.T. allergy elimination treatment. My brother told me about it from a seminar, and I researched it thoroughly. We went to Dr. Cheryl Hammes and it was a miracle. My daughter’s severe milk and wheat allergies were eliminated. As is the case with most, she had many other allergies, all of which we cleared after about 16 treatments. With Jessica’s good results, I then attended and took my other daughter (age 4) and my son at 8 months old, whom already had several allergies. Mine was a couple year process as I had much to undo. The other kids were about 12-14 treatments. My husband ended up going to for residual heart issues from a heart attack in 2004 at age 52. It has been a miracle in my life and especially my daughter’s life! We feel good most of the time. We rarely have stomach issues anymore. Jessica gets sick a few times per year versus every month. She has more energy and is like a normal, healthy kid. In November of 2003 I had an endoscopy, colonoscopy and a special capsule that is implanted in the esophagus that monitors reflux from the inside, called a Bravo System Implant. ALL TESTS CAME OUT COMPLETELY NORMAL! For the first time in my then 40 years of life I had a normal gastrointestinal health. Dr. Cheryl has taught us about healthier, natural alternatives to treat sickness, and my children and I are all healthier as a result and have a brighter health future. We still get sick, we still catch viruses and infections, but our recovery is fast, we use fewer antibiotics and we have natural treatments. We go to Dr. Cheryl for allergy elimination maintenance a couple of times per year. It’s all about taking ownership of your own health and taking preventative measures for future health and wellness. If I hadn’t, I shudder to think where my precious daughter or me would be in 10 years.”
Allergy Elimination Treatment
Jaimi -
"Our family has seen major improvement since we came to see Dr. Cheryl a few weeks ago!!! To say "thank you" seems so very inadequate. As Seth would say, "thank you times infinity." Mia has had no excessive mood swings to speak of. Elli's cheeks are so much clearer and smoother, even with our cold, dry weather. Scott has had regular/normal bowel movements for the first time in his life. Seth looks different, physically, and although he has resisted, I can tell that he is feeling better too. I recently commented to my mother-in-law that my kids were different and wearing me out. She said that they were acting like "normal" kids!!!!!
My husband was such a skeptic when I told him I wanted to travel across the country to see a doctor for allergy elimination treatment for all four of our children. Reluctantly, he came with me. He is now a complete believer in all that we experienced. When people ask us about our "Ohio trip," he jumps in and talks about Dr. Cheryl and what she did for our children. While my kids are not 100% allergy free, we have had numerous food choices given back to us. I am actually excited to cook again!
Our entire family enjoyed the Dr. Cheryl house!! What a life saver for us! Our kids loved the toys, bean bags, piano, and the big screen TV. I cook all of our meals at home. Being able to prepare and cook for my family was such a blessing. Having separate rooms to send our children to was a blessing for us as well. I don't think we would have made it if we had stayed in a hotel for the week. I usually miss my bed when I go on vacation. I miss the bed at the Dr Cheryl house. Everything was comfortable there.
The second treatment for allergies was the toughest. All the kids had to be covered from head to toe in cotton. They all loved staying in their pajamas for the morning. However, covering their hands presented a problem. I made them all mittens out of cotton fabric, and when it came to picture time, they all hid their hands behind their backs.
Dr. Cheryl is amazing! She was wonderful with each of our children, even when they were not so wonderful with her. While we were there primarily for allergy elimination, Dr. Cheryl noticed and addressed things our local DAN! doctors and pediatricians missed or chose not to address here at home. Dr. Cheryl approached each of our children individually and treated them according to their needs. I only wish there were more doctors like her. I look forward to working with Dr. Cheryl to continue to heal my kids."
Gluten Allergy Healed
Sharon S. -
"It has been about two years since I first brought my daughter to Dr. Cheryl. What a difference that time has made.
I came to Dr. Cheryl on the advice of a friend from my church. I had told her how desperate I was after going to doctor after doctor and my daughter was no better. Mackenzie was a Chinese adoption who, at seven months old weighed eight pounds, had pneumonia, and required a heart operation within a month of bringing her home. She had been plagued with pneumonias, respiratory infections, eczema, failure to thrive (weighing 38 pounds for almost 2 years), and finally at age 8 a viral infection which knocked her flat on her back. She was exhausted, experienced violent stomach pain, tongue sores, and developed extreme allergies.
I had taken her to gastroenterologist where she had a colonoscopy and was placed on an anti-spasmodic, then to a respiratory specialist who performed a bronchoscopy. She had scratch tests for allergies and placed on typical allergy meds. There was endless blood work which showed elevated levels for gluten intolerance and a type of anemia. She was re-vaccinated for pneumonia and recommended she be on a continual dosage of antibiotics and steroids to keep her system going.
Dr. Cheryl found Mackenzie to have multiple allergies. We did a full course of elimination treatments and put her on a set of supplements. It took a while for her to start to come back since she had been so down but I started to see a normal little girl. She started gaining weight and height. She had worn the same size in second grade that she had in kindergarten and finally things were too small! She had an allergy to her beloved horses and had to wear goggles to ride – the goggles were no longer needed. The most amazing – her gluten intolerance was repeatedly treated by acupressure without elimination but on Dr. Cheryl’s advice she had an acupuncture treatment (I believe she is the youngest patient Dr. Cheryl had done this with) - and my daughter is now eating mac and cheese like everyone else at lunch. The bloodwork after the acupuncture treatment showed her gliadin antibodies were within the normal range! Though I always have Dr. Cheryl test Mackenzie for gluten and wheat at each check-up, she continues to be clear. This alone was life changing for not only Mackenzie but for us as well.
Mackenzie is now in a new stage of treatment with Dr. Cheryl – the hyperbaric oxygen tank to hopefully fully eliminate the virus which still cycles through her system to some degree each spring. This is a cumulative treatment. As of yet, we do not know if this is successful for Kenzie. But, I do feel confident this natural way of treating her is the best option.
I know this is long! But my thanks to and belief in Dr. Cheryl is huge. How many moms have walked in with limp children and little hope and been given back their chilld."
Lactation Issues
Jodie S. -
"My son was two weeks old and despite my best attempts and the help of three lactation specialists he would not latch on for breastfeeding. I was tired and frustrated and ready to give up, but decided to take him to Dr. Cheryl for one last try. After a half hour of manipulation he attached on and ate easily without fussing or pushing me away. I was most grateful and would highly recommend her to anyone with similar problems. Thanks, Dr. Cheryl!"
Nut Allergy
Sarah S. -
"I first saw Dr. Cheryl when I was seventeen years old. From the age of two I suffered from life threatening allergies to peanuts and nuts, but at seventeen I began having allergic reactions to nearly everything I ate. My allergist was as clueless as I was and after countless tests, deemed me a “mystery.” His only recommendation was that I avoid any foods that caused me discomfort. Unfortunately “discomfort” seemed to be quite an understatement, as my reactions only continued to worsen. My throat was constantly swelling up and eventually I was using my EpiPen® two to three times a week. Though I had always rolled my eyes at the thought of alternative medicine, I figured anything was worth a try. My parents and I found out about Dr. Cheryl’s unique
family practice online and within a week we were headed to Cleveland in hope of some
I began Dr. Cheryl’s painless acupressure treatment regimen and experienced immediate results. She treated me for allergies I never knew I had and even put a stop to the migraines I’d been suffering from since I was twelve. Her treatments have stayed with me and two years later I’m healthier than ever –and virtually allergy-free!
Despite my amazement and tremendous gratitude toward Dr. Cheryl, I still remained skeptical about the idea of the treatments helping my life-long, not to mention life-threatening, allergies to peanuts and nuts. However, my skepticism was once again proven wrong when -after her treatment and under her care- I ate a small amount of peanut butter and experienced no symptoms-not even hives!
Unlike traditional allergy medications, the acupressure treatments didn’t just help relieve my symptoms- they actually strengthened my immune system. Even when my college roommates are sick, I almost always manage to stay healthy.
Thanks to Dr. Cheryl, I’m able to eat freely without the constant fear of a swollen throat or not being able to breathe. Furthermore, I’m healthy without having to take the several medicines I was previously taking on a daily basis. Even though the treatments can be expensive, I’m now saving a great deal of money from the lack of prescription costs.
Dr. Cheryl is a wonderful doctor and truly understands the complexities of chronic illnesses, such as allergies, that most other physicians do not. I completely trust Dr. Cheryl and couldn’t be more thankful for the help she has given me."
Ponto Cerebellar Hypoplasia
Cheri L. -
"Dear Dr. Cheryl,
I want to thank you for the opportunity of trying oxygen therapy at our home for two separate extended sessions with my son, Raymond, who has a diagnosis of ponto cerebellar hypoplasia.
Many positive effects have been seen since starting this therapy including more spatial awareness, more body awareness and decreased spasticity, which has helped to improve his range of motion. We also believe the combination of allergy elimination treatments along with the oxygen chamber therapy has kept Raymond very healthy even though he is a child who deals with year round hay fever and congestion.
We have NOT noticed that any of his improved skills diminished between the two sessions. Progress continued from the beginning of the second session.
We couldn’t be more pleased with the results we have seen so far. And we look forward to the possibility of more sessions in the future."
Reflux or Environmental Allergies
Brandy H. -
When we first met Dr. Cheryl in the summer of 2012, our then 7 year old son Brannon was suffering from severe acid reflux and gastrointestinal problems. He was in constant pain, had a very limited diet, and poor sleeping habits. Brannon had been through an endoscopy and a stomach biopsy, and he had tried several acid reflux medications but nothing helped. Brannon was in severe pain on a daily basis. He cried for hours at a time and was unable to attend school most days. Dr. Cheryl immediately knew how to ease Brannon's pain. With a combination of supplements and allergy elimination treatments, she transformed Brannon's life, and she gave us back our healthy, happy boy. Brannon responded right away to treatment. He is now eating a wider variety of foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, and he is sleeping through the night. Most importantly, he is no longer in pain. Brannon is attending school regularly and is making great progress now that he is feeling better. He is also able to play outside without suffering from seasonal allergies thanks to Dr. Cheryl's treatments. We are so grateful to Dr. Cheryl for healing our son when no one else could. She is truly amazing