Allergy and Asthma symptoms strike 1 in 4 Americans to date. Since the 1980’s the number of individuals suffering has climbed remarkably, making allergies the 5th largest chronic illness. Genetic predisposition does contribute to one’s susceptibility for allergic response, but other contributing factors are numerous.
Each of us can have very different allergic profiles and symptoms. One individual may suffer from an annoying cough for a few seasons a year while others lose their life from anaphylaxis. Allergy medications can help suppress the symptoms but often cause unwanted side effects like drowsiness, thirst and inability to concentrate.Safe, natural and non-invasive help is available. Symptoms of allergies can be greatly reduced and even eliminated by combining the wisdom of Chinese medicine with the ingenuity of muscle response testing, or applied kinesiology. These techniques were first introduced by Dr. Devi Nambudripad utilizing NAET® in 1983. Dr. Ellen Cutler developed BioSet following Dr. Nambudripad. The system utilized by Dr. Cheryl at Integrative Wellness combines these two principles producing positive results faster, with less avoidance time and with fewer visits than traditional NAET.
What causes allergy symptoms?
Allergy symptoms are created by the immune system. Four different allergy pathways are described by traditional models. Most of us are familiar with the immediate allergic reactions known as type I - they include runny nose, asthma, hives or the most severe life threatening anaphylactic reactions. Type II reactions can produce low platelet counts and anemia – this type of hypersensitivity is rare and difficult to treat. Eczema sufferers often cope with type IV, delayed hypersensitivity reactions. The rash presents 2 days after exposure to the allergen and is known as contact dermatitis. Type III reactions are rare but are also severe, these are usually caused by antibiotics, especially penicillin. Reactions in the type II pathway have to do with disorders in the blood stream, like low platelets.Most of us know the common allergens. Dust, pollen and mold are severe environmental triggers that usually cause runny nose, itchy eyes and asthma symptoms. Food sensitivities like shellfish, peanuts, dairy and wheat can causediarrhea, abdominal bloating and even death for the most unfortunate. Energetically, allergens can be any substance and cause a variety of symptoms. Unfamiliar allergic reactions are irritable bowel syndrome caused by food allergies, migraines from foods or chemicals like perfume, seizures caused by wheat allergy or sunscreen, ADD produced by food allergy, simple lactose intolerance to bloody stools from dairy allergy.
What can someone be sensitive to?
As previously mentioned, anything can be a cause of sensitivities. Surprisingly, many are allergic to their hypoallergenic supplements. You can make the most out of the absorption and utilization of your supplements after you are treated for them. Common reactions are to Calcium causing constipation and stomach upset. Vitamin C can also cause an upset stomach or sores on the tongue at times. Bring all your supplements and see what could be improved!
In Chinese medicine, symptoms are produced by an imbalance in the flow of Qi. The Qi moves in the body on lines of energy named meridians. Each meridian has an organ system that it governs and sustains. Imbalances on specific meridians cause symptoms in the corresponding organ system. Rebalancing of the Qi in traditional Chinese Medicine is accomplished most often by the use of acupuncture and herbal medicine. Rebalancing is achieved by Dr Cheryl at Integrative Wellness by using acupressure, a painless and often laugh provoking procedure in children.
How are allergy symptoms eliminated?
Muscle response testing, otherwise known as applied kinesiology, is used to determine specific sensitivities per patient. This modality of testing is painless and can be performed in any age group. The specific organ system that is most profoundly affected by the sensitive agent is determined as well. The patient is put in contact with the specific allergens during the treatment process. Acupressure is performed on the back, hands, arms, legs and feet. After 15 minutes the treatment is complete.
How are children treated for allergies?
Parents bring children of all ages for allergy symptom elimination. Seated in their parents lap, testing is quick and painless. Socks are a very important tool at Integrative Wellness, as they are used to house the allergen vials during the treatment session. Please bring big socks! Acupressure is performed and laughter ensues. Many refer to Dr. Cheryl as the tickle doctor and really enjoy coming for visits.