Osteopathic Manipulation
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT): Hands on Healthcare
In addition to learning conventional treatments, Osteopathic physicians are trained to use their hands to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions. D.O.’s recognize that maintaining structural balance will enable the body’s inherent healing mechanisms to excel. OMT can be used in conjunction with, or sometimes in place of, medication or surgery.
What to expect during treatment?
Your Osteopathic physician will first obtain a thorough history and physical. An Osteopathic structural exam will be completed prior to treatment by examining the spine, neck and extremities. Areas in your body that have asymmetry of structure, tenderness and inflammation will be addressed. Using a variety of OMT techniques, your physician will manually correct the mis-aligned areas by applying corrective forces that relieve joint and myofascial restrictions. Dr. Cheryl uses very gentle techniques that are highly effective and usually do not require any “popping” of joint structures. OMT is safe, gentle and effective for all age groups.
Dr. Cheryl’s most commonly used OMT techniques:
Balanced ligamentous tension
Ligamentous articular release
Lymphatic drainage
Muscle Energy
Myofascial release
Neuromuscular treatment
Osteopathy in the Cranial Field
Soft tissueStill Technique